A. Sat Nishay-2
It is an ambitious scheme of the State Government under “Aatamnirbhar Bihar 2020-25” under which dairy sector has been included from 2021-22.
The objective of the projects covered under dairy sector are:
- Improving Access of Milk Co- operative at village/ward level and providing good quality of Sudha Products at each Block level.
- Augmenting quality and long shelf life of products alongwith cold chain
The following schemes have been sanctioned for the period 2021-25 under Sat Nishay-2:-
- Organisation of 7000 dairy co-operatrive societies at an outlay Rs.56.00 crore
- Expansion of of marketing network in rural and urban areas at an outlay of Rs.30.10 crore
B. State Plan
State Government steps in mainly for supporting the infrastructure development through support under State Plan. The fully automatic state of the art dairy plant at Nalanda, dairies at Dehri-on-Soone and Supaul etc. have been constructed through support of State Plan.
In 2020-21, State Government had given a sanction of Rs.234.75 crores to complete the ongoing 10 dairy projects during 2020-21 to 2023-24 for which COMFED/Milk Unions had taken loan from NCDC. The help extended is instrumental in enhancing milk processing capacities in the State.
C. Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna
The Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna was initiated in 2007 by the Government of India as an umbrella scheme for ensuting holistic development of agriculture and allied sectors by allowing States to choose their own developmental activities as per the district / State agriculture plan. Till 2013-14, this scheme was implemented as Additional Central Assistance of 100% and it was converted into Centrally Sponsored Scheme in 2014-15 with 100% central assistance and from 2015-16, the assistance is in the ratio of 60:40 between Centre and State Government (except for NE and Himalayan States for whom it is in toe ratio of 90:10).
COMFED has received grants under this project for various dairy development activities regularly barring few years and in 2021-22, a grant of Rs.9.68 crore has been received for organisation of dairy co-operatives, construction of training centres, fodder and cattlefeed godowns etc.
D. National Programme for Dairy Development
It is a central sector scheme under which upto 2020-21, grant on equipment of plant, BMC etc. is 50% and on other activities related to dairing 100% assistance is made available. COMFED had received grant under this schme as below:
2017-18 : Rs.47.29 crore
2018-19 : Rs.75.87 crore
2019-20 : Rs.16.57 crore
2020-21 : Rs.56.00 crore
E. Rashtriya Gokul Mission
It is a Central Sector Scheme for supporting the cattle related developmental activities. Its objectives are:
- to enhance productivity of bovines and increasing milk production in a sustainable manner using advance technologies
- to propagate us of high genetic merit bulls for breeding purpose
- to enhance Artificial Insemination coverage through strengthening of breeding network and delivery of AI services at farmers doorstep
- to promote indigenous cattle and buffalo rearing and conservation in a scientific and holistic manner
COMFED is mainly working towards doorstep AI delivery services and a sanction for establishment of 1500 MAITRI centers has been received having a grant of Rs.30.36 crores in 2020-21.
F. Nationwide Artificial Insemination Programn (NAIP)
Government of India has identified all districts and all villages of Bihar for free Artificial Insemination under NAIP – Phase III Project. COMFED and all its milk unions and projects are providing this service through its network of AI delivery service.
G. Sex Sorted Semen Schemes
Presently farmers are not using bullocks in agriculture and therefore their emphasis is on female calf for production of Milk. Use of sex sorted semen assures about 90% female calf. COMFED had done a pilot project on sex sorted semen in East Champaran with the help of NDDB & govt of India and these project had proven with the use of sex sorted semen, female calf born ratio is more than 90%.Thereafter a scheme of using 20,000 doses of sex sorted semen of crossbred semen with the financial assistance of state govt and another scheme of 50,000 doses of sex sorted semen of pure breed cattle is under implementation by COMFED in Bihar.
The outcome of this intervention will guide us about future path of Artificial Insemination Program.